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aldabra giant tortoise造句

  • Between 1978 and 1982, a conservation project relocated Aldabra giant tortoise from Aldabra to Curieuse.
  • Adwaita was a male Aldabra giant tortoise in the zoo which died in March, 2006.
  • Today, the Aldabra giant tortoise is listed as an animal that is vulnerable to extinction in the wild.
  • The Aldabra giant tortoise now populates many of the islands of Seychelles; the Aldabra population is the largest remaining.
  • The Aldabra giant tortoise lives on the remote Aldabra atoll, one of the Seychelles group of islands in the Indian Ocean.
  • Another isolated population of the Aldabra giant tortoise resides on the island of Zanzibar, and other captive populations exist in conservation parks in Mauritius and Rodrigues.
  • In Turtle Toddle, teams had to use a banana to lure a, 100-year-old Aldabra Giant Tortoise across a marked path on a lawn.
  • In 2012, the zoo temporarily exhibited a Gal醦agos giant tortoise and Aldabra giant tortoise, from the Cameron Park Zoo, outside of the greenhouse for the 90th anniversary.
  • The Aldabra giant tortoise is primarily found inhabiting grasslands and swamps on the islands of the Aldabra atoll, which forms part of the Seychelles island chain in the Indian Ocean.
  • Today, it is the home of more than 300 Aldabra giant tortoise, some staying around the Ranger's Station and the rest roaming around elsewhere on the island.
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  • Interestingly, the Zoo's slowest resident, the Aldabra giant tortoise, can be found in the enclosure directly across from the Zoo's fastest resident, the cheetah.
  • This fits with the ecology and morphology of the species, as a highly distinctive tortoise adapted to feeding on low vegetation rather than the grazing habits of the Seychelles giant tortoise and Aldabra giant tortoise.
  • Adwaita ( sometimes spelled with two ds ) was an Aldabra giant tortoise brought to India by Lord Wellesley, who handed it over to the Alipur Zoological Gardens in 1875 when the zoo was set up.
  • ""'Aldabrachelys " "'is the recognised genus for the Seychelles and Madagascan radiations of giant tortoises, including the Aldabra giant tortoise ( " Aldabrachelys gigantea " ).
  • Reptile species include the large, slow day gecko, and a population of non-indigenous Aldabra giant tortoise, brought to 蝜e aux Aigrettes to take over the important ecological role of the extinct Mauritian tortoises.
  • The "'Aldabra giant tortoise "'( " Aldabrachelys gigantea " ), from the islands of the Aldabra Atoll in the Seychelles, is one of the largest tortoises in the world.
  • The replacement species for the saddle-backed Rodrigues tortoise was chosen to be the Aldabra giant tortoise ( " Aldabrachelys gigantia " ) of the Seychelles, which is roughly similar in size, though very different in body form.
  • It is the only Indian Ocean giant tortoise species alive today, others having become extinct soon after the arrival of human settlers ( including the Seychelles giant tortoise which is now thought to be extinct in the wild, although the Aldabra giant tortoise and the Seychelles giant tortoise are so similar genetically that they are thought by some to be the same species ).
  • The all-time verified record holder for the world's oldest tortoise, according to Guinness World Records, is Tui Malila, who died in Tonga in 1965 at the age of 189 . Adwaita, an Aldabra giant tortoise that died in 2006 in the Alipore Zoological Gardens of Kolkata, India, is believed to have lived to the age of 255 years but this has not been confirmed.
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